Direct Contouring Surveying :- It consists in finding vertical and horizontal controls of the points which lie on the selected contour line. For vertical control levelling instrument is commonly used. A level is set on a commanding position in the area after taking fly levels from the nearby bench mark. The plane of collimation/height of instrument is found and the required staff reading for a contour line is calculated. Procedure of Contouring :- 1. B.M (RL) + B.S = H.I 2. H.I - F.S = R.L (of that point where staff is held) Where, B.M = Bench mark B.S = Back site reading H.I = Height of Instrument F.S = Fore site reading R .L = Reduced level Fig. 1 Example :- Temporary B.M = 7.34 M B.M (R.L) + B.S = H.I, However, H.I = 7.34 + 1.241= 8.581 M And, H.I - F.S = R.L R.L¹ = 8.581 - 0.625 = 7.956 M R.L² = 8.581- 0.581 = 8.0 M R.L³ = 8.581 - 0.543 = 8.038 M ... Etc